Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Again, how does the time fly by?

I have been so busy since my last post in August.  Of course, school started, and so did all of the activities that go with that.  Soccer practice and games.  Volleyball tryouts...Basketball tryouts.  Cross country practices before school and meets after school.  Dance class.  Choir practice at church.  Band rehearsals and Region Band tryouts, not to mention concerts.  None of this includes the extra days and longer day hours that my husband seems to be applying to his job as well.  I hate to admit it, but I am actually thankful that we don't have a family member on the volleyball or basketball team...I just don't want to do it.

In between the early mornings to school, and the practices after school, and the games on the weekends, there is homework to be done, chores to complain about, and time to enjoy what activities we can fit in the down time.  We still manage to sit down to dinner a few nights a week.  This year in particular, I have come to realize that we have quality conversations in the car now.  Although there are still a lot of nonsense in the form of questions and statements, there are more and more teachable moments, and moments where we can explain our values to the kids.  I guess it's always been that way, but maybe because they are getting older, I am noticing that the quality of the conversations are better.

Even though it sounds like we are so very busy all the time, I have also noticed that we are home a lot more than we used to be.  Maybe that's because I am not running the PTA anymore.  Maybe that's because the girls' school doesn't offer multiple clubs everyday after school, that they feel they must be a part of.  Maybe it's because I asked the girls to choose just one music activity.  I'm sure it is a combination of all.  I know I have a lot less responsibility outside the house, and I am getting a lot projects done on the new home.  I doubt that the girls have actually noticed, but I'm sure they would tell you they are enjoying being home more, too.

I read a blog the other day where a wife and mother was talking about families eating dinner together every night being the best way to raise good children.  I believe that eating dinner with your family is important, but I also believe there is something to the time spent in the car as well.  As I read the blog, I recalled the many, many hours spent in the car with my oldest daughter when I worked outside the house.  I had an hour commute from home to work.  It was just the two of us back then.  I could have chosen a daycare near home, but I chose to spend that time in the car with her instead.  She was so young, and she could be annoying at times, and I don't have to tell you that two hours a day in the car can get very long.  Those moments enabled me to get to know her, since I was away from her all day.  Most days, we ate together when we got home, but we talked more in the car than at the table.  Being able to stay home with the next two kids gave me more time over the course of the day to get to know them well.  Now that they are in school all day, and becoming teenagers, I get nuggets of who they are becoming little by little.  I will continue to appreciate the conversations, whether they happen at home or in the car.