Friday, January 6, 2012

I guess the sky is falling

So, there are only 351 days until everyone stops talking about the Mayan Calendar, and that reference to the end of the world.  I believe no man knows the day or hour of the end of the world, so I can't trust that it will be on December 21, 2012.  I do, however, feel like we should live each day to it's fullest, and never put off joy or family fun.  My oldest daughter will turn 22 this year.  My baby girls will turn 13, which means I will officially have teenagers, AGAIN!  My days with my children are always numbered, and I plan to enjoy them as much as I can this year.  But as you all know, I do that every year.

I will be turning 30-17 this year, which means I am living my 26th bonus year of life.  I never thought I'd make it past 21.  I figured an "end of the world" year is as good as any to do some bucket list stuff.  I think this might be the year that I actually jump out of a perfectly fine airplane.  The biggest event, so far, for me this year will be running the Cowtown Marathon, well the 5K, but that's a lot for me.  I am not a runner.  I needed a motivator to get into shape and lose weight, and it seemed reasonable.  My husband, my oldest daughter, and one of the twins will be running the 5K, too.  We've never participated in an event together where we all showed up and finished.  I will begin trotting next week, and hopefully I will be jogging soon.  The 5k will take place the end of February, so I should have enough time to get ready.  I would like to lose 35 pounds, and maybe more.  If I eat better, and exercise daily, I think I can achieve my goal in just a few months.  Another thing I would like to do this summer is spend a week on the beach.  I would like to do that without looking like a whale.

We will be having a Family Meeting this weekend to plan mini-trips, camps, vacations, camping trips, and other activities.  I will also begin researching and planning meals that will enable us all to become more fit. I am looking forward to getting together with the family and planning our year.  We haven't done that in a while, and I have high hopes that this year will be good, slimming, energetic, and memorable.

I hope you are having a great New Year, and that you take extra time to do something you would normally do, something out of your comfort zone, something that benefits you long after you do it, and you look back on it with pride.