Thursday, August 30, 2012

Here We Go Again...

School started this week.  I was ready.  The kids were ready.  I could tell they were ready when they started talking to all of their friends-all day-the two weeks before school started.  I could I was ready when they started driving me crazy talking to their friends all day. Ah, the circle of summer life.  I remember in June, I was counting down the hours until school ended.  I love not having to set an alarm clock, so the end of school is always a welcome relief.  But, I can't wait for school to start by the middle of August, and I'm even willing to live by the alarm clock, and take the girls to all their after-school activities, just to get a little peace and quiet for the day.

Every year when school starts, my thoughts go to the same place.  I need to exercise and lose weight.  Every year I say it, but once every 3-5 year, I really mean it, and this is that year.  I spent the past two weeks, researching and listing everything I needed to do to get ready.  I planned the foods to choose from, the calories and fat I can consume, how I'm going to adjust my family to it, and how I'm going to hold myself accountable every day.  I cleaned out the refrigerator and the pantry, getting rid of all the bad stuff!  I found a website that is pretty user friendly, and I think it is going to make it easy for me to track my food and exercise.  I created an account on  I have tracked my food this week, and I am feeling good about myself so far.  The hardest part for me is always beginning, and it seems to be moving along this year.  Spark People also has a separate website with recipes, and some of them sound really tasty in spite of being healthy.  I can feel the difference already, and I the scale shows me weighing a little less, too.

I have my first obstacle!!  Labor Day weekend starts tomorrow.  The twins are having a belated Birthday/Back to School Swim Party on Saturday and they want pizza, chips, soda, and candy.  I can live without eating pizza and chips and candy, that;s really is not my thing.  I do, however, have to come up with tasty Holiday foods that will please all of us all weekend.  I have a feeling that I will go ahead and fix the traditional stuff, like burgers and brats, but substitute with whole grain buns and healthier sides, like cauliflower mac and cheese.  It just requires me to work harder to make it fun and tasty.

I am determined though.  I know I have a few of years, but I am not going to turn 50 and be "obese" on the charts.  My goal is 24 pounds lighter by Thanksgiving.  I know I can do, I've done it before, more than once.  My ultimate weight loss goal is higher, but I think this is doable. 

All that being said, losing body weight is only one of my weight loss plans.  I am cleaning out cabinets and closets, and the garage, when it cools off.  I am cleaning out the things I save because they could eventually become useful.  I am grouping alike stuff together and finding a place it belongs.  I've always done this, but sometimes thing relocate themselves, and they need help finding their way back home.  Then, I'm turning my attention to home improvement projects.  We've lived here for a year and a half, and I've only managed to paint the girls' bedrooms.  I have a long list of stuff that needs to be done around here, and this is the year for that ,too.

I've made my lists.  I'm made up my mind it is going to happen.  I've told other people, and now you, so they will know about it.  I am a woman with a mission.  With any luck, I'll be consumed with watching the Rangers in the World Series again this year!!