Thursday, July 14, 2011

How does the time just fly by?

I have a plaque on my kitchen counter that says, "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana."  I love it for the play on words, but it is so true at my house.  I am, at times, taken over by fruit flies in my kitchen.  I have decided that they live in my houseplants.  Good thing I only have two plants.  Living out in the country, I seem to get more houseflies in the house now.  I don't know why I have more of them out here either.  I suppose they could be coming from the garage.  We have three trash cans out there, as opposed to the one we had at our last house.  I think they come in from the back and front doors, too.  I do know for sure that I need to invest in a better fly swatter.

Bigger than the fly epidemic, this summer is just flying by.  I had planned to paint the girls bedrooms by now.  I have a cabinet and a dinette set that I planned to refinish in a darker stain in June.  Our back door was repaired around February, and I still haven't painted the outer side of the door.  I installed a cabinet in the laundry room, but the trim is still missing.  The list just gets longer.  It's not that I haven't actually had the time either.  Yes, somethings have come up that stole my time away, like my mother being in the hospital, etc.  The truth is that I spend time playing with my children, and my husband, more often.  This week, I entertained friends playing a board game and swimming one afternoon.  Every Sunday afternoon, I sit down to plan my menu, grocery list, and activities for the week.  I list several things I would like to get done, on top of weekly chores.  I only get the simple items accomplished.  Maybe it's the extreme heat.  Maybe it's because I know I will get interrupted so why start it. 

I know for sure:
  • the projects will not go away until I do them
  • the girls will be starting school again in five weeks
  • the girls will only be living here six more years before college (and even if they live here while attending college I'll never see them, I never see their sister)
  • Texas is a lot cooler in October and November
  • playing is a lot more fun than working
The last thing I know for sure is that blogging is another thing I have been doing instead of I guess I should get going!

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