Thursday, September 5, 2013

Oh yeah, I'm on a roll now

My part time job is very part time right now.  That's not great when it comes to needing extra money, but it's not a bad thing when I so much I need to get done.  This week I only worked one day, but I haven't sat still all week.  If it's alright with everyone, I'll admit I really am impressed with myself so far.

Last Friday, I bought groceries for the month of September.  I spent the day putting everything away in the freezers, refrigerators, and pantry.  I also repackaged items for the girls' lunches.

Saturday, I spent most of the day prepping and cooking food for the week ahead.  It really is a nice feeling when I can see the meal planner is working so far. 

Sunday was family fun day.  We had a special lunch with our oldest daughter and her boyfriend.  A while back we were discussing birthdays and how our family birthdays are in May, June, July, and August.  Other than the twins, we each have our own birthday month.  My daughter plans to marry this boy in a few years and his birthday is in August.  I jokingly told him that he couldn't have a birthday in the August anymore because it was taken, so his new birthday would be in September.  When September 1 was getting close, I invited him to lunch to celebrate his new birthday.  He thought it was pretty funny and he enjoyed his day.

Monday, I cleaned the whole house, and I did all the things I would rather never have to do.  I dusted, swept, vacuumed, mopped, emptied the waste baskets, cleaned all of the bathrooms, and did seven loads of laundry.  I was completely pooped by mid afternoon.  I did get to go out for dinner because we were meeting family for my mother's birthday, so not having to cook dinner was a nice treat.

Tuesday, I went to work.  The warehouse was about 115 degrees by noon.  I am learning that being in the heat all day is making me even more sleepy when I get home.

Wednesday, I realized that I was falling behind in one of my volunteer positions.  I am the treasurer for our homeowners association.  I am also planning our annual fall family festival in October.  I spent the evening working on printing our Save the Date cards and printing statements for the accounts that are past due.  That work carried over into Thursday morning.  I finished it all around noon and took it to the post office. 

When I returned from the post office, I saw that I had an email from Shutterfly, where I could receive a free 20 page memory book.  We took a vacation to Costa Rica in August 2010 and I promised the girls that I would scrapbook the trip.  So today, I made good on my promise.  Instead of doing some other very important thing I needed to do, I spent three hours putting together a book online.  Best of all, it was free!

Tomorrow, I have the day off and I am going to spend the morning lifting a friend up.  She is really having a hard time dealing with choices her oldest son has made, and I am going to be whatever she needs me to be in the morning.  Tomorrow night, I am changing gears and I will a Band Mom.  I am working in the concession stand at the football game tomorrow night, in support of the marching band.  Yep, I can't even imagine how much fun we are going to have then. 

Saturday, I am working the concession stand for a minor college games, but I am taking the girls with me to work.  Now that, I can imagine the fun, if listening to your children complain about heat and sweat can be considered fun.  The best part is that we all get money for working the concession stand, which will go toward band fees and trips!  Before and after that game, I will be prepping and cooking all the dinner entrees for the next week.

It probably doesn't really sound like much, but this week has been so much smoother than previous weeks, if it's only because the food was mostly ready when dinner time came.  I really hope my new meal planner will continue to work for me.  I also hope that I will have one day a week that I can devote to getting it ready ahead of time. 

Like they used to say when I was a kid...Keep on Truckin'

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