Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Best laid plans of mice and men

Recently, we have experience a little mouse trouble.  I could hear something scratching on the ceiling in our bedroom.  I bought mouse bait and my wonderful husband put it out a few weeks back.  Recently, we discovered that at least one mouse in our attic must have eaten the bait, but didn't make it all the way out of the house before dying.  Unfortunately, it chose to head out and ultimately die in the wall of our bathroom.  As you can imagine, I was blaming Steve for the odor in the room, up until the moment we realized it was true death.  I purchased automatic scent sprayers for our water closet and clothes closet, which helped a little bit.  A couple of days ago, I decided the odor seems to be gone.  I am afraid that living out here will introduce us to many more creatures that don't plan to pay rent.

I can't believe the week I have been living.  I was so excited that school let out.  No more early alarm clock. No after school classes or events.  No reason to leave the house except for groceries.  Time to make the long list of things to get done over the summer, many of which I have been putting off since we moved into the house in December.  Time to do, and more importantly, complete a project while the kids are having a nice lazy, summer day.  The end of school usually means the Birthday Week.  We celebrated our oldest daughter's 21st birthday right before the end of school, and a week later, right after school eneded, we celebrated my husband's birthday.  It is always so very hectic when that week comes along.  The girls have finals, I have end of the year PTA stuff I have to handle, and many other things that always pop up. 

This year was no exception.  I had a cabinet made for my laundry room, and to save money we opted to install it ourselves, when I say ourselves I really mean me. They delivered the cabinet the last week of school. As usual, there was a mountain of school gear in the mud room, laundry room gear on the kitchen table, summer activities and craft supplies piled on the dining room table, and various other belongings all over the rest of the house.  During our pool installation, the pool builders busted part of the irrigation line.  My husband has been trying to repair it for days, trying various parts and assemblies without any luck.  Feeling so very overwhelmed with everything, we decided to blow it all off and take our neighbor's offer to spend the first Sunday of summer on their boat.  We had a blast!

So after a day on the boat, and my husband's birthday the next day, we were all set to begin the first week of summer.  My husband was working the night shift and my oldest begins her three jobs and summer classes.  I start making my list of to-dos and planning activities, menus, etc.  I planned out everyday with details for completion of several projects.  Then I got a phone call that my mother was sick with tremendous pain, and headed to the emergency room.  Two days later she had surgery to correct a bowel mishap.  She has been in the hospital attempting to recover ever since.  I have spent my days at the hospital, while my sister spends her nights.  I never dreamed this would happen.

Needless to say, I can't tell you how well the girls' Chore Charts are working out for us, because I haven't been here to stay on top of it.  I can't tell you how the health improved menu is working out for us, because I've been buying dinner and bringing it home or we go out to eat.  Mostly, I can't tell you if and when my mother will get released from the hospital because she is recovering slowly.  She has good days, and she wants to get stronger every minute.  One doctor is optomistic and thinks she will be home by Saturday or Sunday.  Although the girls are disappointed that we had to cancel our first few summer events, they will be going to camp on Sunday for a week.  I was looking forward to spending some time alone with my husband for our anniversary.  If my mother doesn't go home by Sunday, we will most likely cancel our train trip to San Antonio.  The rest of the week, my husband is working nights again.  Sometimes these things happen. Who knows, maybe the train is going to crash and we just don't need to be on it.  Hopefully, she will be much better and even home by the time the girls return, and we can start our summer at home then.  AND, hopefully, the pool will be finished by then and we can SWIM.

So, the mice must be dead, and so are some of our plans.  The doctor discovered and repaired the cause of my mothers pain, and in the process, they discovered a heart condition she wasn't even aware she had.  Life is full of disapointments, and the girls learned that lesson this week.  Life is still good even when we struggle and have disappointments.  We will eventually get our summer back and we will have a great time together.

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