Monday, August 19, 2013

I Need Accountability

Recently, I turned 48, well I prefer to call it 30-18...but it is an event that took place!  Approximately a month before I turned 48, my husband turned 49.  Now these two events probably don't matter to anyone else but me, and him.  You see, I couldn't image being 40, and the thought of being 50 seems So Old!  My mental thought of my age is about 22, so having to actually Be 50 just seems strange.  It is odd to know that my husband will be 50 next summer.  I guess it seems so much older to me now (as opposed to when I was a teenager) because we are now past being middle aged.  Since I know very, very few people that live to be 100 years old or older, I have to accept that I am OVER THE HILL!  Ouch!

I do know what's worse than having to tell anyone I am 50 years old...being fat when I say it.  Over the past three months, I have discovered many things about my physical health.  The fact that I am quickly approaching 50 opens up all kinds of interesting physical events as a woman.  As my physical being begins to change, I realize that if I don't push for weight loss this year, I may not achieve it very easily ever again.  I also know that I need to lower my cholesterol and eat more heart healthy.  I am approaching the age at which my father developed diabetes, and I truly do not want that to happen.  Time for a change?!!

So, I have done some research on supplements that lower cholesterol, boost metabolism, and ease the movement of my joints.  Yes, my joints!  Since my other "old lady" ailment is diverticulitis, I am looking into boosting my probiotics as well.  I have compiled a list of better foods geared for weight loss and making up some recipes that make it easier to eat those foods.

Here is my biggest obstacle:  I need accountability.  I need to prove it.  I need someone to hold me to it.  I need to know that if I do not reach my daily goals, someone will call me on it.  I decided that I would blog it.  Even though I have few followers, I know that I put it out there, and I have to answer to it.  Between this story blog, and my other food blog,, I can set my goals and post recipes and meal plans on what I have researched. 

School starts a week from today, and I will return to working almost full time as a metal roof manufacturer the same day.  I will be busy with two freshmen in high school, marching band, working, and taking care of our home.  I know it will seem overwhelming, but I need to make a healthy change for myself and my family.

If you find this helpful, follow me.  That way I know I am being held accountable and maybe I am helping someone else along the way.

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